Dissertation: A ventral root interface for neuroprosthetic control of locomotion
Advisor: Douglas Weber, Rehabilitation and Neural Engineering Laboratory
Majors: Math, Physics
Minor: Spanish
Redesigned and implemented broadcasting in Julia
Authored blogs and technical documentation and presented live webinars
Developed and taught multiple on-line and in-person courses
Built and presented data science and machine learning demos
Worked with customers to design and deploy cloud-based APIs
Deployed massively parallel workloads with over 1000 cores
Since 2022, hired and managed a team of four sales engineers
Built a dedicated tool to facilitate matching of personal information across databases
Developed an end-to-end machine learning pipeline for an incarceration early intervention system
Deployed an API and website for navigating workforce data
Designed, supervised, and performed in-vivo experiments for dissertation
Applied machine learning and statistical techniques to rigorously correlate neural activity with muscle and kinematic activity
Conducted complicated experiments combining motion capture and neural recordings
CNC-machined and 3d-printed bespoke parts as required
Printed and soldered custom circuit boards to facilitate recordings
Organized and analyzed over two terabytes of data with MATLAB and Julia
Defined the roadmap to improve Julia's built-in arrays and began the work
Provided general neurophysiology research support, from hardware to software to biological surgery
Designed, engineered, and constructed a complete experimental apparatus with joystick and microcontroller
Developed and deployed a graphical application to control experiments on a real-time operating system
Languages: Julia, Python, C, MATLAB, Shell, and Javascript (and HTML/CSS)
Tools: Git, PostgreSQL, HTTP(s) APIs, SSH, Docker, AWS (EC2, EFS, S3 primarily)
Techniques: Multi-threaded, multi-machine, and GPU-based compute; neural networks and machine learning pipelines; imputation and ETL.
Core contributor to the Julia programming language, 2015–present
Moderator and administrator of the Julia community discourse board (discourse.julialang.org), 2016–present
Former member of Students for Urban Data Science (Carnegie Mellon University), 2015–2016
2013 TA of the year, Pittsburgh Engineering Graduate Student Organization, Bioengineering Department.